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Sunday, April 24, 2011

26 Weeks 3 Days Picture

We are at 26 weeks and 4 days now.  Little Dude is doing well - kicking all the time.  We've switched hospitals and will now be delivering at Methodist Hospital near our house.  We meet and see new doctor on Thursday (4/28) - will post more after that visit.  Had to change Drs. as former Dr. only delivered at University Hospital (which is the county hospital that is undergoing a lot of construction) and I didn't feel comfortable with it.  We toured Methodist last Tuesday and it was sooo much nicer!!

Jerry is working on painting the Little Dude's room this week - we are both off and hope to get a good start on it thsi week.  Will put up pictures when we've got it painted.  We are still waiting on the crib, but it is due to be shipped at the end of April, which is this week, so hopefully we'll have it soon!  Been buying diapers every week, so we'll have a good supply when he arrives; signed up for wipes to be delivered via AmazonMoms, so we should be good there, too.  If not, the HEB (grocery store) or CVS is really close, so we'll just run and get more.  LOL