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Friday, July 15, 2011

Vincent Andrew Fuller Arrived on July 8

Sorry I haven't updated this since "The Aunts" baby shower, but....

I had to go on bed rest at the Hospital starting June 27 due to high blood pressure (preeclampsia) issues.  Due to those issues and the fact that Vince was breach, a C-Section was done on July 8 and Vince was born.  All went really well.

Jerry and I ready to go to OR for delivery. 

Proud Jerry ready to join me in OR for delivery.

Here's Vincent (Vince) Andrew Fuller right after Delivery.  :) 

Our Family.

Vince and I spent a few more days in the hospital and came home (FINALLY!!) on July 11.  Jerry adn I are settling into being parents, so far it's been a lot of fun.  I didn't realize how interesting talking about pee and poop could be.  LOL

Here's a picture of Vince and his daddy. 

Here's one while he's sleeping. 

We went to Dr. yesterday and he is doing great!  No big issues or concerns. Yeah!!

I'll write more later.  Thank you for all your love and prayers.

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