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Sunday, June 12, 2011

33 Weeks 3 Days

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but we've been busy.  We are at 33 weeks and 3 days now - 6 weeks and 4 days until due date - hopefully he'll come in 4-5 weeks.  Bijou (the dog) had to be in the picture, too - she's ready to meet her new little friend, too. 

The south TX heatwave is killing me.  My feet and hands are swollen - had to quit wearing my wedding rings yesterday, at least on my fingers; I'm wearing them on a chain around my neck.  Shoes are also feeling a bit tight, only wearing sandals, when needed.  Since I've been working from home since May 2, it's been nice to not have to wear fancy shoes to work - mostly I go barefoot!  :)

We've completed 2 classes (childbirth intro and baby care); I've also completed a car seat safety and installation class.  That leaves a baptism class on Monday; breastfeeding class for me on June 20; and Daddy Boot Camp class for Jerry on July 9. 

We've also come up with a name for the "little dude", Vincent Andrew Fuller - we plan to call him Vince.  Has a nice sound, huh?

We have been working to get Vince's room set up. 

Here is the Guardian Angel stained glass piece that my dad (Grandpa John) made for me - it will watch over Vince as he sleeps.

Here is the cute Airplane Lamp that my mom (Grandma Barb) found.

He's a little St. Louis Cardinals' fan, too.  :)  Maybe Uncle Paul and Aunt Traci (my brother & sister-in-law) or Grandma Barb and Grandpa John will send him a Cardinals' onsies and hat or current Pennant?

Since Jerry flies, we went with an Aviation Theme, isn't it just the cutest?
Where the stroller is above, we plan to put a rocker for me to use to feed him, but we haven't gotten it yet.  We are going to look around a bit and see what we can find that we really like - the one I picked out at Babies R Us is OK, but we might go with something a bit more contemporary that we could use in our living room, after he sleeps through the night.  

Keep us in your prayers as we eagerly await our little boy!  We love you all!!

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