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Friday, July 15, 2011

Vincent Andrew Fuller Arrived on July 8

Sorry I haven't updated this since "The Aunts" baby shower, but....

I had to go on bed rest at the Hospital starting June 27 due to high blood pressure (preeclampsia) issues.  Due to those issues and the fact that Vince was breach, a C-Section was done on July 8 and Vince was born.  All went really well.

Jerry and I ready to go to OR for delivery. 

Proud Jerry ready to join me in OR for delivery.

Here's Vincent (Vince) Andrew Fuller right after Delivery.  :) 

Our Family.

Vince and I spent a few more days in the hospital and came home (FINALLY!!) on July 11.  Jerry adn I are settling into being parents, so far it's been a lot of fun.  I didn't realize how interesting talking about pee and poop could be.  LOL

Here's a picture of Vince and his daddy. 

Here's one while he's sleeping. 

We went to Dr. yesterday and he is doing great!  No big issues or concerns. Yeah!!

I'll write more later.  Thank you for all your love and prayers.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Additional Photos from Shower

Somehow we missed photographing 2 Aunts signs and the poem, so here they are.  :) 

 Aunt Julie Meir's sign.

Aunt Jane Schnautz's sign.

The very cute poem - how do they come up with this stuff????

Thank you Aunts again!  It was awesome!!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby Shower Pictures

Here are some pictures from the Baby Shower that my Mom and her sisters organized. 

 Welcome sign

 Aunt Margaret Arceo's sign

 Aunt Rose Steeger's sign

 Aunt Lois Delong's Sign

 Jill with corsage

 Opening gifts

 Great outfits

  Jerry's Sister Patty and their dad (Jerry D)

 Patty and her husband, Juan

 Ice Cream Cake from DQ

 Jerry's Aunt, Sister Elia Rosas

 Jill and Sister Elia

 Jill and Jerry's Dad

 Ana dressing up

 Ana pretending to be pregnant - she put a ballon under her shirt

 Ana and Roman (Jerry's nephew and niece) posing

 Stack of gifts

 Shopping cart cover hand-made by Jill's Aunt Margaret

 Jill and gifts 

 Another view of gifts

  Another view of Jill and gifts

 Another view of all gifts

  Some of the really cute outfits

Thank you again to all my FABULOUS Aunts for this wonderful surprise shower!!!! 
We love you all!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Aunt Patrol Surprise Baby Shower - Saturday, June 18

My mom and her sisters (the aunt patrol) pulled off a surprise baby shower for me and little Vince yesterday.  I was a little suspicious, but wasn't sure - when my Mom showed up unexpectedly on Thursday night for a long weekend visit.  The unexpected shower was fabulous!  Jerry and his dad put up the signs for the Aunt Patrol and his dad blew up about 15 balloons for decorations. 

Jerry's dad, his aunt (Sister Elia), his sister (Patty) and her family all joined in the fun, too.  We had pizza for lunch and then it was on to opening presents.  Ana and Roman (Jerry's niece and nephew) were my present opening helpers - they really had fun doing that, until we opened a box with bubble wrap inside and then they fun something else to do.  LOL 

We received some wonderful gifts.  Mom took some pictures, but I don't have the right camera cable to download the pictures to my computer.  So she'll have Dad to it and email them to me, so I can add them here.  Aunt Jane - as always, a beautiful quilt - we love it!  Many, many cute outfits - Vince will not have go around in just a diaper!  Also some baby care items, a picture frame and a great calendar to record his 1st year!

Thank you Aunt Patrol - you're the best, most creative bunch I know!!  We love you all!! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

33 Weeks 3 Days

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but we've been busy.  We are at 33 weeks and 3 days now - 6 weeks and 4 days until due date - hopefully he'll come in 4-5 weeks.  Bijou (the dog) had to be in the picture, too - she's ready to meet her new little friend, too. 

The south TX heatwave is killing me.  My feet and hands are swollen - had to quit wearing my wedding rings yesterday, at least on my fingers; I'm wearing them on a chain around my neck.  Shoes are also feeling a bit tight, only wearing sandals, when needed.  Since I've been working from home since May 2, it's been nice to not have to wear fancy shoes to work - mostly I go barefoot!  :)

We've completed 2 classes (childbirth intro and baby care); I've also completed a car seat safety and installation class.  That leaves a baptism class on Monday; breastfeeding class for me on June 20; and Daddy Boot Camp class for Jerry on July 9. 

We've also come up with a name for the "little dude", Vincent Andrew Fuller - we plan to call him Vince.  Has a nice sound, huh?

We have been working to get Vince's room set up. 

Here is the Guardian Angel stained glass piece that my dad (Grandpa John) made for me - it will watch over Vince as he sleeps.

Here is the cute Airplane Lamp that my mom (Grandma Barb) found.

He's a little St. Louis Cardinals' fan, too.  :)  Maybe Uncle Paul and Aunt Traci (my brother & sister-in-law) or Grandma Barb and Grandpa John will send him a Cardinals' onsies and hat or current Pennant?

Since Jerry flies, we went with an Aviation Theme, isn't it just the cutest?
Where the stroller is above, we plan to put a rocker for me to use to feed him, but we haven't gotten it yet.  We are going to look around a bit and see what we can find that we really like - the one I picked out at Babies R Us is OK, but we might go with something a bit more contemporary that we could use in our living room, after he sleeps through the night.  

Keep us in your prayers as we eagerly await our little boy!  We love you all!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

29 Weeks and Counting....

29 Weeks 3 Days and all is well.  This picture shows part of the crib and paint for little dude's room, plus an airplane border that we added.  As you can see, the little dude is getting bigger and bigger.  We went to our 1st childbirth class last week, it was good - 3 more weeks; then it's you and your baby class for both us; then breastfeeding class for me and "Bootcamp for New Dads" for Jerry.  We'll be ready for the little dude when he arrives. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

26 Weeks 3 Days Picture

We are at 26 weeks and 4 days now.  Little Dude is doing well - kicking all the time.  We've switched hospitals and will now be delivering at Methodist Hospital near our house.  We meet and see new doctor on Thursday (4/28) - will post more after that visit.  Had to change Drs. as former Dr. only delivered at University Hospital (which is the county hospital that is undergoing a lot of construction) and I didn't feel comfortable with it.  We toured Methodist last Tuesday and it was sooo much nicer!!

Jerry is working on painting the Little Dude's room this week - we are both off and hope to get a good start on it thsi week.  Will put up pictures when we've got it painted.  We are still waiting on the crib, but it is due to be shipped at the end of April, which is this week, so hopefully we'll have it soon!  Been buying diapers every week, so we'll have a good supply when he arrives; signed up for wipes to be delivered via AmazonMoms, so we should be good there, too.  If not, the HEB (grocery store) or CVS is really close, so we'll just run and get more.  LOL 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

FYI - Baby Registry Information

FYI - We are registered at Babies R Us - http://www.babiesrus.com/ and our registry number is 46605961 or you can search for it under my name (Jill Fuller). 

All is going well and we are in week 22 now.  The little dude (we haven't decided on a name yet) is kicking a lot and I'm hoping Jerry can feel him soon.  Next doctor appointment is March 31, so will post more then. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

21 Weeks 3 Days Picture

All is going well. I've been feeling the little dude kicking me more lately! 

Here is latest picture - really popping out! 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mystery No More....

We went to the Sonogram Doctor today.  We are having a baby BOY!!!!!!!!!  All looks great - no issues or complications so far.  

Friday, February 18, 2011

16 Week Bump

Here is a picture of Jill with her 16 week baby bump.  All is going well.  Next sonogram is February 28 - should have some new baby pix to post. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baby Fuller - 14 Weeks

Jill had her 14 weeks check-up today and all is good with Baby Fuller.  Jill is doing really well - no morning sickness, just a persistent cough due to allergies and asthma.

Here is a picture from the Ultrasound of Baby Fuller.  Cute, huh??